Special thanks to one of our members, Bianca Field, for helping organize all of the awesome suggestions our members recommended!

Test yourself! take the implicit bias test(s) from Harvard

Great blogs to start educating yourself:

Great pieces on the obstacles facing women in STEM:

Rockefeller thoughts on women in science:

Advice specifically for men:

Advice for women (but also helpful for men!):

Blogs featuring successful women:

How to identify ‘common sexism’:

Donald Trump just gave a master class on how to get away with sexism. “Step 1: Claim that the complaint is an exaggeration in order to imply that the complainant can’t be trusted…Step 2: Dismiss demands for respect and equality as mere ‘political correctness’…Step 3: Insist that this complaint is too minor to bother with when there are more important things to worry about…Step 4: Say it was just ‘fun’…Step 5: Pretend the complaint is really just about personal animosity.”




On gender bias in academia:

On intersectionality and the unique challenges faced by women of color:

  • Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color. This paper coined the term “intersectionality” and incorporates many modern feminist concepts.

  • The Disability Employment Puzzle: A Field Experiment on Employer Hiring Behavior. “The fictional applicants with disabilities received 26% fewer expressions of employer interest than those without disabilities, with little difference between the two types of disability. The disability gap was concentrated among more experienced applicants, and among private companies with fewer than 15 employees that are not covered by the ADA, although comparable state statutes cover about half of them…The overall pattern of findings is consistent with the idea that disability discrimination continues to impede employment prospects of people with disabilities, and more attention needs to be paid to employer behavior and the demand side of the labor market for people with disabilities.”

  • Double Jeopardy? Gender Bias Against Women of Color in Science. “100% of the sixty scientists interviewed for this study reported encountering one or more of these patterns of gender bias… This report’s focus on women of color is designed to address an oft-noted problem: that women’s initiatives are seen as ‘White women’s initiatives.’ Thus an Asian-American science professor said her colleague of color ‘felt that the committee on faculty women really should have been renamed the committee on White faculty women.’”

  • Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination. “To manipulate perceived race, resumes are randomly assigned African-American- or White-sounding names. White names receive 50 percent more callbacks for interviews. Callbacks are also more responsive to resume quality for White names than for African-American ones.”

  • Temporal Distance and Discrimination: An Audit Study in Academia. “Through a field experiment set in academia (with a sample of 6,548 professors), we found that decisions about distant-future events were more likely to generate discrimination against women and minorities (relative to Caucasian males) than were decisions about near-future events.”